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Dupin 2 12 3 – Manage Duplicate Itunes Tracks Free

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Are you a music lover? Do you have the habit of downloading tons of music files? Somehow, right now, you are trying to locate your iTunes music files in your computer and you don't know how to locate them. You are not alone. Most of us build up our music library file so easily. Download here, download there. Sometimes we just start to worry about the constant downloading when we are a bit short of storage capacity or we find it hard to locate or organize iTunes music library. We see duplicates, wrong album compositions and some other clutter problems. So here's a helpful guide on how to locate and organize iTunes music library.

Part 1: Where Is the iTunes Music Location

Having duplicate songs in iTunes can quickly become quite annoying. However, if you can learn how to remove duplicates on iTunes, you can make life a lot easier by finding the duplicate items and getting rid of them. ITunes really is a wonderful music manager and, in recent times, it has really become a lot more cleaner, faster and more interesting when it comes to its usage. Duplicate tracks on itunes free download - iTSync for iTunes, iTunes Duplicate Remover (iTunes D.R.), iTunes Duplicate Remover Free, and many more programs. After hiding all your iCloud-hosted duplicates, go to the iTunes Store screen in iTunes, then select Account at the far right of the screen. Enter your password, then find the iTunes in the Cloud section on the next screen. There you'll find an entry for Hidden Purchases; click Manage to see a list of all the movies you've hidden. Here are steps on how to delete duplicate songs on iPhone using iTunes. Step 1: Open iTunes. Step 2: Click on View Menu on Mac, Windows PC users may need to click (Ctrl + B) keys to reveal the menu first. Step 3: Click on File Library Show Duplicate Items. Step 4: Tap Show Duplicate Items. Step 5: iTunes will show a list of duplicate songs. Remove Dead Tracks. If you've ever moved or deleted media using Finder (or any other app that's not iTunes), you may be left with some tracks that won't play in iTunes. With the touch of a button, Dupe Away cleans those tracks from iTunes so you no longer have to see that annoying 'file not found' dialog.

The location depends on your operating system.

For Windows XP

1. Click the Start button

2. Go to My Documents Folder

3. You will see My Music Folder – Click it

4. Then go to iTunes

5. iTunes Media then Music Folder

For Windows Vista/Windows 7/8

Windows Vista

1. Click the Start button

2. Go to Music

3. iTunes and then iTunes Media

4. Open Music folder there

Windows 7 and 8

1. Click Start button

2. Go to My Music

3. And Go to iTunes music folder Ps3 xploder ultimate edition cracked.

For Mac

To find the iTunes music library on your Mac

1. Open a new Finder window (Click the finder icon in you dock)

2. Under Places, Click on Music

3. Double-click on the iTunes folder

4. And open the iTunes Media subfolder

You can change the default location by clicking Change and choosing your preferred folder. You can revert back by click Reset.

Part 2: How to Clean up or Organize Your iTunes Music

It is not really that hard to keep the files organized as long as you didn't mess your files by scattering your music files in other folder other than the default one.

In your iTunes, you can select on these Options on the advanced pane:

A.) Keep iTunes Media folder organized

This option sort your tracks, videos, mobile apps and other items into subfolder within your Media folder. This will also file your music tracks by album and artist.

B.) Copy Files to iTunes Media Folder When Adding to Library

This option is for copying files; you add by drag-and-drop or the Add to Library option.

1. Choose Consolidate files if you want to update the location of the media used by iTunes. ITunes will begin the process of copying files to their appropriate location and updating these locations in the iTunes library. This process copies the tracks to the new location instead of moving them. This process is a bit difficult and time consuming, the process will reorganize your entire library file system.

Beexcellent gaming headset with mic. 2. Choose Reorganize files in the folder 'iTunes Music'. The files will be moved according to their organization and relocated to their appropriate subfolder.

This is a bit faster compared to the first option since iTunes will quickly go through your library and move all of your existing files around into the new layout that you wanted. Anything referenced from the outside of the iTunes Music Folder will be left where it is.

You can update the metadata and album artwork for your music tracks by selecting the tracks you want to update or by using 'Select All' command if you want to update your entire library. Then choose Get Track names, if you want to update the track name or choose Get Album Artwork if you want to update the album artwork.

To find duplicate tracks within iTunes, choose Display Duplicates from the file Menu. Delete any unwanted duplicates from the List.

These steps will surely clean up and organize your iTunes Media Library.

Part 3: How to Add a Folder of Music to iTunes

This procedure is for the music files that you can't add to iTunes by importing, purchasing, and ripping CD's. The good news is you can add them to iTunes by adding a folder of music.

Step 1

Open iTunes. Make your menu bar visible by clicking the small rectangular shape, scroll and click the Show Menu Bar when a drop down menu appears. The tradition Menu with options FILE, EDIT, VIEW and so on, will appear near the top of the screen.

Step 2

Find the music that you want to add. If you have the folder already organized, much better. Be sure to use the file extensions that are compatible with iTunes: ACC, MP3, WAV, AIFF, AA or M4A. Unprotected files can be converted by iTunes. Other than that, you have to convert the files into the compatible format before you can add them to iTunes.

Click the File menu. You will see the Add to Library if you are a Mac user or Add Folder to Library if you are a PC user. Click it. Mamp pro 3 1 – create a local server environment.

Step 3

Look for the folder to be added to iTunes Library. Click the selected folder. Wait for the process. Then you are done!

If the music albums have separated in iTunes, the following guide should teach you how you can combine the separated albums into one in the iTunes app on your computer. Read on to learn how to do it on both your computer and your iPhone.

iTunes Tips

Basic iTunes Tips
iTunes Store
iTunes Music

iTunes is one of the best music management apps available out there and that is the reason why millions of people use it to manage their music files. Like any other app, though, iTunes also has some issues that may occur from time to time.

Uctox 2 6 1 – full featured invoicing applications. One of the issues that some iTunes users are facing is their music albums have been separated in iTunes on computer. Even though the music tracks and the album name is the same, they are being shown as two or more separate albums in the app. If you are also facing this issue on your computer and would like for the duplicate albums to be merged, the following guide should help you do it.

The guide shows how you can combine songs into one album in both iPhone and iTunes. Let's check it out.

Combine Albums in iTunes on Your Computer

Deck set 2 0 3 – simple presentation creator templates. If you are seeing separate albums for the same set of music tracks in iTunes on your computer, this section will show you how you can fix the issue so you only have one album for your music tracks.

You do not need a third-party software to do the task as iTunes has a built-in option for getting around the issue you are facing.

Ensure you are running the latest version of the iTunes app on your computer.

Dupin 2 12 3 – Manage Duplicate Itunes Tracks Free Download

Step 1: Launch the iTunes app from either your desktop if you are on Windows or your Launchpad if you use a Mac.

Open the iTunes app on your computer

Step 2: When the iTunes app launches on your computer, click on the View menu at the top and select Show Sidebar. It will enable a sidebar in the left hand side of your screen.

Dupin 2 12 3 – Manage Duplicate Itunes Tracks Free Downloads

Step 3: When the sidebar appears, click on the item that says Albums. Find the album that you want to combine into one and click on it, select all the songs inside the album, right-click on the songs and select the Get Info option.

Get more info of the music tracks in an album

Step 4: A prompt will appear on your screen asking if you would like to edit information for multiple items. Click on the Edit Items button and it will let you continue.

Step 5: On the following screen, make sure you are in the Details tab.

In the album field, ensure you have a name that you want for your single album. Then, enter a name in the album artist field. This name should be in all the songs you want to have in this album.

Click on the OK button to save your changes.

Adjust the music track details in iTunes

Once you have saved your changes, you will find that your albums have now been combined into a single album. You now only need to launch this single album to access your songs in the iTunes.

That is how you merge albums in iTunes on a desktop computer.

Combine Albums in Music on Your iPhone

If you have the same issue as iTunes on your iPhone, you may want to fix it too so you do not have multiple albums with almost the same content. The following is how you combine songs into one album on an iPhone.

What you are going to do in the following procedure is to sync your iPhone with iTunes. Since the issue is fixed in iTunes, syncing your iPhone with iTunes will fix the issue on your iPhone as well.

Here's how you do it:

Dupin 2 12 3 – Manage Duplicate Itunes Tracks Free Online

Dxo photolab elite edition 1 1 1 58 download free. Step 1: Connect your iPhone to your computer and launch the iTunes app.

Step 2: Select your iPhone in the iTunes app, click on Music in the left panel, tick-mark Sync Music, and finally click on the Sync button at the bottom.

iTunes will start the music syncing procedure and you will soon get rid of the multiple albums issue on your iPhone. The Music app on your iPhone will now only display single albums for your music tracks.

Dupin 2 12 3 – Manage Duplicate Itunes Tracks Free Music

The Bottom Line

If your music albums have got separated in iTunes or on your iPhone, there is an easy way to fix the issue and merge the albums into one as shown in the above guide. We hope it helps you bring all your music tracks under one album.

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